viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

The status blog.

If we follow up on our blog entries, we can see that the only recorded visits are timely and relevant to deadlines trabajos.La not really esperavamos more as advertising on the blog is made ​​void, and this is a blog of deliveries and not a public blog.

Having privatized some information and concealment of the same in different browsers network makes it impossible encorntrar blog.

On the record of visits, stands on October 2 with a total of 9 visits.

As we can see in the browsers that visit our blog can see that google chrome is mainly used with 45% of visits by this browser.

In conclusion, this is a blog of deliveries and no more visits Necessita which has obtained since we do not personally interested.

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

BW3: Opinion

To know how videogames affects to ourselves, Dr. Stanley Amaladas talks about the dangers of video games. The popularity of video games makes that children spend most part of their time playing in front of the computer and forgetting everything wasting their time. He says that children easily becomes addicted and if they can’t play someday will become agitated. This is so bad because they lost interest in socializing with real people and not in this virtual world. Also this games are so expensive. We have to take care about what is important and know what things goes first like studies.


In the poster we presented convey a serious image on robotics and nature festival, the distinctive green applied in some parts of the text reinforces this idea. Besides the simple design allows you to play the cartel in different formats and platforms including: flyers, go rack, small sizes .... The black background represents the simplicity of electronic in nature.